In the big data of social media, there are cruel stories and secrets of the rise of mobile phone

Date:06-05  Hits:643  Belong to:Industry Trends
Two or three years ago, when we talked about the wave of mobile Internet, we would certainly mention the popularity of smart phones. However, in the process of mobile phones becoming our organs, many manufacturers are experiencing the cruel story of their own internal organs being hollowed out.
At that time, only Huawei remained invincible. The once popular LETV mobile phone is in deep debt crisis, and Jinli is still struggling to save itself under the huge fund hole. Meizu is busy with the internal structure adjustment & hellip; & hellip; and there may not be many opportunities left for them.
For Huawei, Xiaomi, oppo and vivo, these leaders are still facing the reality of negative growth in China's smartphone market last year. At present, it is difficult to make a big leap in the overall scale of market users, so the stock users in the wave of aircraft replacement become the focus of contention.
It is difficult to say whether a series of behaviors of users determine the trend of mobile phone reform, or whether the mobile phone itself influences the change of users' choice. This should be a two-way flow. Users release their known selves and discover their unknown selves. Mobile phone manufacturers need to find ways to improve brand retention in the process of interaction with users.
User behavior constitutes an industry barometer
Recently, Weibo and Sano, a market research company, jointly released the "2017 smart phone micro report" (hereinafter referred to as "the report"). Based on the quantitative analysis of microblog users' active behavior data in 2017, the report shows the changes of China's smartphone market pattern. From the perspective of the stock market, the microblog is just like a barometer of mobile phone users' behavior in the stock market.
1. Huawei's ov Matthew effect is intensified
Xiaomi has gone through the worst times and returned to the first camp. This fact is also confirmed by the data of microblog user stock, increment and replacement retention rate.
In terms of new additions, Huawei, Xiaomi, vivo and oppo achieved adverse growth, but they all increased by only 1%, while the total new shares of other brands decreased by 3% year-on-year.
In terms of the retention rate at the time of replacement, the retention rate of iPhone was 5% lower than that of last year, while the addition and retention of the four domestic brands were improved. The retention rate of Huawei and Xiaomi increased by 9% and 8% respectively, becoming the first and second place in this key indicator.
With the acceleration of market share centralization of Huawei ov's four domestic brands, it is even more difficult for subsequent echelon manufacturers to catch up.
2. The advantage of Apple has been impacted
From the perspective of the flow direction of phone change, both Android users and IOS users have significantly decreased their choice of iPhone. The proportion of iPhone users who choose Samsung after changing their phones is only 3%. Samsung's high-end flagship has not been able to replace the iPhone. Instead, the share of choosing huaovm is increasing.
3. Thousand yuan machine has become a non mainstream
According to the report, only 1.1% of microblog users are willing to buy mobile phones below 1000 yuan, more than 573% of users prefer to buy mobile phones with a price of more than 2500 yuan. At the same time, compared with 44% of users who will change their mobile phones within one year in 2016, the user replacement cycle is longer, and nearly 50% of users change their phones in two years. In addition, 26-35 year-old white-collar workers have become the main force in 17 years, 58% of users have used at least five smart phones.
In fact, it also reflects that users need a material basis to upgrade their consumption. On the other hand, manufacturers need technological innovation to upgrade consumer goods, and the electronic industry needs to innovate in multiple dimensions of hardware performance, appearance and user experience.
Content marketing creates social currency
Of course, in order to win in the wave of aircraft replacement and improve the brand retention rate, we need to understand the psychological motivation of loyal users in addition to working hard on hardware and appearance.
Generally speaking, there are four motivations for consumers to choose social media: function, entertainment, social and self. This requires mobile phone manufacturers to strengthen the connection between consumers and themselves, and build a fan relationship with users in order to create social currency.
In the era of just need purchase disappearing, every consumer's consumption is ultimately connected with emotion, and the social currency formed by content operation actually represents the assets shared between consumers and mobile phone manufacturers. This kind of asset enables the consumer group to obtain the sharing and the use satisfaction, and brings the purchase transformation to the manufacturer.
1. User portrait
In the era of big data on the Internet, those who get users win the world. Based on the huge active user data of microblog, mobile phone manufacturers can mine their users' gender, age, behavior attributes, interests and even psychological characteristics to construct a complete set of user portraits. Through continuous superposition and updating, the informatization and visualization of users can be realized, so as to achieve the goal of strong precision marketing.
According to the report, the iPhone is still the first choice for women in first and second tier cities, with their ages ranging from 19 to 39. Vivo and oppo are mainly young female users in small and medium-sized cities, but Huawei and Xiaomi are just the opposite. Mainstream models such as Huawei P10, glory 9 and Xiaomi 6 are mainly male users. In addition, the location data of users' active check-in distribution also shows that different mobile phone users have different living and working conditions.
Such user portraits also reflect that manufacturers attach importance to the marketing value of the head spokesperson. For example, Xiaomi and Huawei, the two major male users with more brands, have begun to make efforts to the female market. The fans of its spokesmen tend to be female users, such as Wu Yifan of Xiaomi, Zhang Yixing and Hu Ge of Huawei; while oppo and vivo, with more female users, continue to explore the female market, and prefer to choose small traffic students and popular flowers.
2. Content operation
The most effective marketing is not advertising, but to let the audience actively interested in content, covering the needs, motivation, values and other dimensions.
Different from traditional TV, radio, newspaper and other media, as well as other forms of brand advertising (such as outdoor, building, etc.), social media transforms one-way brand instillation mechanism into dialogue mechanism, integrates product information into interesting microblog topics and language forms, attracts microblog users' attention and interest, and carries out communication and interaction with them, so as to promote The spread of new products.
3. Transfer reception conversion
According to Wei Wuzhi, a real social platform can switch between the sender and the receiver very quickly, but the short video platform is not, and the transmission and reception are quite different. Therefore, the concepts of community and social networking are different. Microblog has a social chain, and its transmission and reception are very fast.
From this point of view, microblog is a multiple nonlinear structure of & quot; everyone for all & quot; and each node may become the highlight and selling point of mobile phones.
Write it at the end
The content operation of mobile phone manufacturers covers at least five value dimensions: functional information, entertainment information, social interaction, brand interaction and self-concept value, thus forming a chain of "content marketing & mdash; customer brand participation & mdash; brand loyalty & nbsp.
As an open social platform, microblog has the inherent advantage of deep connection with mobile phone brand. With the gradual improvement of the social ecological closed loop of & quo; content fans user realization, microblog has established a unique platform ecosystem, which closely integrates star KOL, fans and customers with the platform.
Whether it is the star effect of the spokesperson, the traffic effect of high-quality IP, or the word-of-mouth effect of the brand, most of them still need microblog as an adhesive and amplifier. From the perspective of mobile Internet user behavior, social entry level applications can provide insight into the development trend of mobile phone industry, and provide reference for the marketing and product development of smart phone manufacturers.

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